> Originally it was 3.3 because that was a version
> which worked with most apps and still relatively
> simple. Later we got UMB

and HMA

> which are very useful so
> we aimed for 5.0 kernel compatibility. Remember
> that 5.0 and 6.22 basically have the same kernel.

> Now we also have LBA and FAT32, but I do not think
> that we want to be very

Just "a bit" compatible?

> MS Win98 DOS 7 compatible as
> this DOS was not even meant to run DOS apps anyway.

It was. As Microsoft had shown with MS-DOS 8 they were able to (and did)  
disable the "DOS mode" of Windows 4.x later. So MS-DOS 7 (both versions)  
were meant to run DOS software. Why does this question matter, anyway?  
Late DOS apps were written with FAT32 and/or LFN support aimed exactly at  
MS-DOS 7. The authors probably didn't care whether this MS-DOS was  
intended to be DOS. It worked well being exactly this.

> So if you ask me: Our current goal is compatibility
> with MS DOS 5 / 6 kernel in the general case and a
> nice collection of apps similar to MS DOS 6... Plus
> support for new hardware in ways which may (FAT32,
> LBA) but do not need to be compatible to Win DOS 7.

Might be coincidence that the DPB layout of MS-DOS 7 and FAT32 DOS-C is  
the same. Or that the same new, complicated FAT32 Int21 functions are  
supported. Or that DOSLFN services exactly the LFN functions used by  
MS-DOS 7 COMMAND.COM versions.


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