Marco Antonio Achury Palma schreef:
> My all times favorite DOS word processing program was WordPerfect 5.1,
> has a very hard learning curve, but once you learn the keystrokes is
> really eficient, I worked a lot with it and tested WP6.0 but was very
> slow on amy 486SLC with 2 Mb Ram...
> With WP you can make things like look for all ocurrences of
> [NewLine][NewLine][Tab] and replace to [NewLine][Tab][Tab]  I don't
> know how to do this with WinWord but by sure you can't do it without
> write some VB code.

Actually, you can. I have done it in Word 2003.
I don't have a copy of MS Word on this Linux box so I can't explain in
detail, but trust me it can be done without VBA. It's not well
documented tho.

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