
> Indeed... Your purpose is nice but from writing it's to
> complicated to become useful for anyone.

Okay, trying to be simpler... :-)

USB sticks are made with flash chips that are good at big
sequential access, in particular small writes are very slow.
You can check for example the benchmark here:
Which is mentioned in the forum thread here:

Because of that, I suggest to make access blocks larger.
Would be nice if somebody can give it a try. Both the
"USB stick with DOS driver" and the "USB stick supported
by BIOS" (eg booting from USB stick) case are interesting.

For possible read speed gains, try this:

lbacache flop
tickle /lba /chs

(if it helps, we can tune tickle further: current setting
is "increase 4k aligned below 2k blocks to 4k" but any block
size up to 8k and any alignment can be set at compile time)

For possible write speed gains, try the DR DOS cache:

nwcache 6144 6144 /lend=off /bl=16 /delay=333 /w=64 /flush=off

(options mean: 6 MB 16 kB low RAM lookahead 1/3 sec 64 kB delayed)

You can get lbacache here:
(lbacache-2008apr07.zip recommended, includes tickle)

You can get nwcache here:
...coli.../~eric/nwcache-binary.zip (as above)
For a more official download go here:
ftp://ftp.fsn.hu/pub/OpenDOS/DR-DOS.703/ (images/ or self extracting)

Note that DR DOS 7.03 is sort of shareware: Free
for noncommercial use and / or 90 day evaluation.

The EDR DOS project is possibly more free but it
only the minimum files without most extra tools.

NWCACHE is on disk02.144 (in the exe and in images/...) disk image.

So... If you have some USB flash disk, it would be
cool if you could find out whether lbacache+tickle
or nwcache improve speed compared to "default setup"
(lbacache without tickle, or uide cache for example).


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