Hi Guys!
How are you all doing?

Bernd, actually, i don't know because, it is Miguel's host
Miguel, can you provide details of your hardware?
Do you know if your pc supports any virtualization instruction?
ie: on intels vt instruction or on amds svm instruction?
if you use linux you can try:

'cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep vt' on intels
'cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep svm' on amds

and archives is here:

but i was not able to find out a solution

Kind Regards and Best Wishes,

ps: sorry for crossposting again guys, does anyone have any clue?
pss: sorry for posting the image Eric, my fault here :(
psss: i updated my site, there i finally managed to put online
all FreeDOS docs which i have here and some of them are translate
(well, since many years ago...)
check it out on http://extremedev.sf.net/freedos

On 23/03/2008, Bernd Blaauw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Geraldo Netto schreef:
>  > Hi Guys,
>  >
>  Hello Geraldo,
>  > It seems command.com is missing
>  > could you try any iso from this site?
>  > http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/micro/pc-stuff/freedos/files/distributions/1.0/
>  >
>  The FreeDOS 1.0 ISO is confirmed to be working under normal PC BIOS when
>  booting from CDROM.
>  I guess your environment is a modern CPU with virtualisation extensions
>  present and enabled? (as I don't think Syslinux, Memdisk nor FreeDOS
>  kernel have built-in support for acting as XEN client).
>  FreeDOS 1.0 ISO works like this:
>  1) Boot from CDROM in non-emulation mode
>  2) Load isolinux.bin (old version, version 3.62 is latest release)
>  3) Load isolinux.cfg configuration file
>  4) Press 1 to load FreeDOS (loads Memdisk, then loads
>  /ISOLINUX/DATA/FDBOOT.IMG, which is a compressed 360KB bootable floppy
>  image file )
>  5) FDBOOT.IMG gets uncompressed in RAM, then is being executed (in RAM)
>  by Memdisk in uncompressed form.
>  6) Bootsector is loaded, which in turn loads Kernel.sys (FreeDOS kernel)
>  7) Kernel.sys goes looking for \FDCONFIG.SYS and if that doesn't exist,
>  \FDCONFIG.SYS. If that also fails, \COMMAND.COM
>  8) Selecting an option loads drivers and COMMAND.COM, then starts batchfile
>  Knowing the layout of the 360KB diskette, I'd say the FreeDOS kernel is
>  not able to find any files (don't see any menu option in your screenshot
>  which points to no config.sys being found..nor can kernel find
>  command.com). I don't know if XEN is to blame for this, or Syslinux,
>  Memdisk or FreeDOS, or any combination of these issues.
>  Could you refer me to the site which has a web-archive of the responses
>  for the XEN mailinglists? Can't see if any threads with solutions were
>  formed there.
>  Alternative options are to remaster the ISO with 1.44MB floppy emulation
>  enabled instead of non-emulation with Isolinux. Or ofcourse try a
>  bootdisk first, instead of a bootable cdrom.
>  > Geraldo
>  > ps: sorry for crossposting, at least i hope it helps :)
>  >
>  Bernd
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São Paulo, Brasil, -3gmt
site: http://extremedev.sf.net
msn: geraldo_boca_at_hotmail.com
skype: geraldo-netto
icq: 145-061-456

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