
Something needs to be done with the FreeDOS FAQ. It was originally set
up to collect frequently-asked questions about FreeDOS. These days,
general questions do get asked there, but it's more often used to
submit bugs and to ask for "I got a weird error" help.

#2912 is not a FAQ - it's someone asking a specific, non-general
question about a problem that isn't common (at least, it's the first
I'd seen this install problem since 1.0 was released in Sept 2006.)
These kinds of questions should be asked on freedos-user where the
user can get help.

It would be better to NOT allow users to ask new questions on the FAQ,
but only provide followup. An admin (Eric?) should be the one to enter
frequently-asked questions, with an initial followup/answer. And users
would be able to submit their own answers to add to it.


On 3/8/08, Eric Auer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Hi, could somebody check and update the FAQ item at:
>  thanks :-). Please do also mail martinaciccarello * then.
>  Eric
>  Forwarded question:
>  dear all.
>  I tried to install Freedos on my new pc but when I arrive at the
>  step when it requires to choose or not to go for Bootsector I can
>  not go on.
>  I follow the instructions but I am stucked both if I press NO +enter
>  or just ENTER to accept to create bootsector, it appears C:\FDOS_
>  and then I can not go on.
>  What shoul I do?
>  Thanks

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