Hi Flox!

Talking about FreeDOS 2.0, there will hopefully be 1.1
early this summer, as many packages have been updated
since we released 1.0, and some issues in 1.0 should be
fine tuned anyway :-).

> *Using 4DOS as standard command tool, and Bash or freecom as choice.

I still think FreeCOM is the better default, has most compatibility.
But the others should certainly be included. As for example ReginaRexx
and Perl for DOS and FreeBasic.net :-).

> *Using JEMM as memory manager

Very good idea. And JEMMX as option - it has plugins, one might
eventually write a "virtual SB16 to AC97 hardware" plugin for
that plugin system. Another candidate might be DISPLAY, as that
uses quite a bit of RAM.

> *Using HX Extender & Co to support Windows programs in DOS

I would just include it, but would not load any DOS extender
as TSR by default.

> *PythonD as modern script language

Why not...

> *Using an Editor which supports large files (like FED or SETEDIT)

Maybe not as default - SETEDIT is really big - but SETEDIT
should nevertheless be INSTALLED by default. And/or FED.

> *One standard file manager (my choice would be FW or NDN)

To be more exact: At least one file manager and GUI should
be part of a "recommended" install.

> *No more 386- support

It does not make much difference to compile most apps for
8086, so I would only optimize those for 386+ where you
get a real gain from 32bit and/or protected mode usage.
Dosfsck and the caches are good examples of 386+ modules.
While only few people use pre-386 CPU, I still prefer to
keep using FreeDOS as such useable on ancient PC. Of course
you can always say "PC XT users can use FreeDOS 1.0"...

> I also think, that it shouldn't be a BIG collection of all
> free DOS programs.

Agreed, for example bootablecd.de has a separate games CD
anyway, and there are piles and piles of freeware, shareware
and abandonware for DOS. It is certainly not our mission to
throw all those in some ISO or anything. Our distro should
fit on 1 CDROM, at most a few 100 MB installed, with mostly
open source and other very free software. Possible with 1.0,
when you skip the few largest packages, you get a 100 MB DOS.

> than one (like file managers) we could make a poll at freedos.org
> where user and developer can choose them.

I see no problem in including 2-3 file managers, but before
we would include 10, we should better vote for the 2-5 best.

> Network: Latest Arachne (a much more advanced version should be
> distributed soon) is a ''must", also tools like WGET. And one big

We should really talk about internet with DOS more - it seems
many people do use their old PC with DOS and Arachne to have
a second "surf PC" around, so FreeDOS should make a statement
that we do support that use of DOS, too.


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