Florian Xaver wrote:

> *Using an Editor which supports large files (like FED or SETEDIT)

Updated FED has been announced to a small audience only so far. For all
others: It's at http://www.bttr-software.de/fed/ :-)

> *One standard file manager (my choice would be FW or NDN)

http://sourceforge.net/projects/doszip/ evolves... :-)

> *No more 386- support

I don't like this idea, because DOS was made for 808x CPUs. So FreeDOS
should run on these CPUs too. That doesn't mean, that you can't distribute
optimized binaries for later CPUs.

> I also think, that it shouldn't be a BIG collection of all free DOS
> programs.


> Network: Latest Arachne (a much more advanced version should be
> distributed soon) is a ''must", also tools like WGET. And one big

Yes, please also include other networking (ping, nslookup, tracert, FTP
client) from, e.g., Watt-32.

> problem still exists: a driver. So there should be a note at the

"_a_ driver"? What driver?

> installer, which points to FreeDOS Wiki or another site, where a good
> documentation exists ( about installing such a driver).

Again, what driver?

> And the GUI? I would say OZONE :-))))))

I don't need a GUI. Sorry. ;-)

Robert Riebisch
BTTR Software

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