...or is it?

C:\FDOS\BIN>cwsdpmi --help
HDPMI32 v3.05 (c) japheth 1993-2006
usage: HDPMI32 [ -options ]
  -r: install as TSR permanently. Without this option HDPMI32
      remains installed until the next client terminates.
  -u: uninstall a running instance of HDPMI32
  -d: disable a running instance of HDPMI32
  -e: reenable a disabled instance of HDPMI32
  -l: allocate TLB in low DOS memory
  -m: disable DPMI 1.0 memory functions
  -b: keep TLB only while a client is running
  -t: don't touch CR0 NE bit

C:\DJGPP\bin>CWSDPMI --help
CWSDPMI V0.90+ (r5) Copyright (C) 2000 CW Sandmann  ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY
Protected mode not accessible.

So, I'd say that's a "no"...
Why is there something that's not really CWSDPMI being shipped with
FreeDOS with a filename that suggests that it's CWSDPMI?

It turns out to not be my problem, but it certainly kept me confused...

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