Arkady V.Belousov wrote to 

>sn> h) Boot from first harddisk (0x80)
>sn>   I fell into this because of the timeout.  The next two lines on the
>sn>   screen are:
>sn>   Booting from local disk...
>sn>   Virus!!! 
>     This may be message from BIOS (if there is turned on option "Check BOOT
>Viruses", then it monitors writing to MBR).

   The BIOS's warning msg is different.  I saw the BIOS's msg too -
later when using Fdisk.  IIRC, the exact text "Virus!!!" is in the
PART 2.37 MBR code (in its "compact boot manager"). 

   As I reported, it doesn't seem to hurt anything; it just looks

>sn> q) Skip CD-Rom boot (try next boot device)
>     This is not FreeDOS.

   I know. 

>sn>   Obviously this isn't an IBM PC.  FWIW SBM's "Quit to BIOS" option
>sn>   gets this result too. 
>     Of course. This is original IBM BIOS architecture - when there are no
>bootable media, BIOS pass control to INT19, where in original BIOSes was
>reside built-in BASIC interpreter. But this BASIC very long ago not included
>into BIOSes, and message says about this.

   I know. 

>sn> Editorial comment:
>sn>    Obviously, some of these results are not ideal. 
>     What you want from FreeDOS in given case?

   What do *I* want?  Nothing.  I'm just testing the release CD and
reporting the results. 

   I will ask this question:  If FreeDOS is released as is, and users
start seeing these msgs on their PCs, will they know that the problem
is *not* caused by FreeDOS? 


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