
FreeDOS mailing list has never been the friendly place to me dispise its 
noble goal that win my admiration. Conflicts among members over minor issues 
are not uncommon, insulting words like fool, idiot, stupid are just usual as 
it also happens in other forums, and nobody was punished.

IMHO, the decision to blacklist Johnson should be the last resort if he has 
ever commited any mistake
deliberately after being warned, also there should be rules and regulations 
announced before the action taken, the verdict needs to be transparent. I do 
not see any rules and regulations before and after the whole matter. What 
policy is going to carried out? What guideline the members should follow? It 
makes Johnson feel he is the victim randomly picked at instead of 
understanding his ?wrongdoing? So the decision is hurting him more than 
helping him.

Johnson has a long history in FreeDOS, he was also willing to help and just 
a humble fellow.
Why sentenced him the heaviest penalty for the first time he irritated 
others. Why is it permenantly? Is there a way to appeal?


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