Hi Arkady,

> GH> Are you claiming they're identical or not?

>      This is _one program_! Or you wish to say, that FreeDOS 2035 isn't
> FreeDOS, because kernel.sys binary-non-identical to FreeDOS 2034?

OK, but I don't agree with your conclusion here. As you point out, 
different Kernel versions could easily introduce new functionality (e.g. 

All I was saying was that DOS 6.22 startup files are different to WfW 
3.11 startup files. The exact differences may never be known due to 
Microsoft's failure to embrace open-source. There is also the issue of 
DOS 6.0 vs DOS 6.22; the update was only related to stacker/doublespace 
changes, so how do we know the WfW 3.11 startup files don't contain 
newer functionality than those of DOS 6.22 even if it was released 
after? Have you looked at HIMEM, EMM386 and IFSHLP.SYS in detail for 

> GH> To me, a DOS shell would
> GH> be something that talks to the hardware via DOS,
>      DOS doesn't talks to hardware, DOS talks with BIOS.

Right! Eric pointed that out too off-list. Sorry for bad wording, but 
I'm sure everyone knew what I meant:)

Actually, this is even more interesting! Isn't it the case that some 
Windows code can bypass the BIOS completely? If so, then what I said 
makes some sense...

Gerry Hickman (London UK)

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