All three methods of entering escape sequence work in Edit.exe v0.7d. However, 
you have to remember that Echo and Eecho work properly only when run at startup 
(they are placed in Config.sys). If you just want to test the colours from the 
command line or from a test batch file you have to use Prompt.

For Edit.exe v0.7d the escape code is generated when you hit Esc key. The code 
character looks like a small left arrow.

Echo and Eecho are executed just after Nansi.sys so the command line should be 
entered right there.

Here is the summary of all three methods (the parameters are set for green 
characters on blue background):

1) Config.sys

ECHO esc_code[32;44m
rem hit Esc key to generate escape code

2) Config.sys

EECHO $[32;44m

3) Autoexec.bat or command line or a test batch file

PROMPT $E[32;44m$P$G

The colour codes are s follows:

30-37  foreground black  /red/green/yellow/blue/magenta/cyan/white
40-47  background black/red/green/yellow/blue/magenta/cyan/white


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