Hi, an exe file is no text at all, correct.
You first write a description of what the program
should do, in a programming language (text). Then
you use a compiler to translate that into a file
for the machine - the exe. This is not readable
for humans. But there are tools to translate the
exe back into programming languages, at least
partially (usually you get at most Assembly
language and all variable / function / label
names are lost). So the best way to modify an exe
file is to edit the source code and then translate
the edited sources into a fresh exe file. As Free-
DOS components are open source, you may want to look
at the source code of PG. Just for fun. I think as
you do not "speak" programming languages yet, it will
be hard for you to edit the sources correctly.


PS: The source -> machine translators are called
"compiler" or "assembler", while the machine ->
source thing can be done by debuggers and "disassemblers".

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