> As the network cards will belong to customers it can't
> be chosen by my application.
> I need to be sure that FreeDOS can take care of most LAN cards.

Hi Basudeb,

I assume this means that you want a single boot disk which
already contains many network card drivers. For this, Linux
might be the most flexible solution. For Windows, drivers
are almost always included when you buy a network card, but
Windows still has to install and activate the drivers, which
might be a bit tricky in a "readonly" install like WinPE.
You should check http://www.veder.com/nwdsk/ for a boot disk
which already includes many drivers and which also auto-
selects a suitable driver based on PCI bus scan results...

A WinXP/PE project to create a similar disk with Windows
can be found on http://www.veder.com/nwdskpe/ - you need
a licensed Windows to create such a disk, obviously.

The DOS NwDsk is available in 1440, 1680 and 2880 kBytes
variants, the latter is mostly for creating bootable CDROM.
There are also add-ons for NwDsk: VNC viewer, print server,
RDP client, Arachne browser/ftpclient/mailclient, ftp/webserver.

There is also a list of included drivers on the NwDsk page.



PS: You should try PCISLEEP if you want a really small
PCI bus scan tool. Let me know if you encounter devices
which PCISLEEP does not recognize.

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