dima wrote:
> I don't use OpenGEM, because I am disagree with installation method, which 
> make a much new directories on C:\

A very valid point.  I am looking at fixing that issue with new releases
of OpenGEM.  The latest development release of OpenGEM/XM (the
multi-tasking development distribution) actually only creates one file
(GEM.BAT) and one directory (OPENGEM) in your C:\ root.  That makes
everything look a lot cleaner in my opinion.  Of course, we need to see
if people like the idea!

The version of OpenGEM/XM that creates only one folder in your C:\ drive
is at http://gem.shaneland.co.uk/downloads/OpenGEMXM.zip

Meanwhile, there is a more traditional single-tasking development
version of what might become OpenGEM 6 at
http://gem.shaneland.co.uk/downloads/OpenGEM6Dev1.zip.  This version is
almost exactly the same as OpenGEM 5 Core, but it supports printing from
HP Deskjet printers.  If anyone could test this technology to make sure
it works for them, that would be great.  There is no installer, so just
unzip the package to your C:\ drive.  You can install it on top of an
existing OpenGEM 5 Core installation if you are really brave.

On a final note, I'm completely broke.  Making rent this month will be
hard enough, let alone covering server costs.  If anyone wants to help
out with paying for the technology costs behind the OpenGEM Project
there is a donation link at the bottom of this page:



Shane Martin Coughlan
m: +447773180107
w: www.shaneland.co.uk
http://mobility.opendawn.com    http://gem.opendawn.com
http://enigmail.mozdev.org      http://www.winpt.org
OpenPGP: http://www.shaneland.co.uk/personalpages/shane/files/publickey.asc

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