At 08:40 AM 2/2/2006 -0600, Charles Peck wrote:
The first two drivers, generic ones-- protman.dos and dis_pkt.dos load
up fine, but when I try to load each individual network driver, the
entire process outputs an error, some hex, and hangs.  I'm not sure
whether I have himem.sys and emm386.exe configured wrong, or if it is
something else, so I have included my himem and emm386 lines below.

My Himem.sys line:
device=\bin\himem.exe /testmem:off

My emm386.exe line:
device=\bin\emm386.exe noems X=TEST

If you don't absolutely need it for your boot-up, trying temporarily disabling/removing EMM386 entirely and see if the drivers load okay. They might object to loading in upper memory. If the drivers work without EMM386, try this in your CONFIG (effectively activating EMM386, but without UMBs):

device=\bin\emm386.exe noems X=A000-FFFF

If that works, you definitely have an upper memory problem with the driver, otherwise it's something else. Either may or may not be correctable, but I'll stop and let you catch up with the results to post back here.

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