Eric Auer, has been helping me through a bunch of problems with Free
Dos some seem to have been caused by a download problem some came up
when I loaded it almost successfully last night on to my GATEWAY SOLO
5051.  I lost the color screen and the touchpad mouse, I don't know
yet about the sound card, I am going to try that later as it lost the
DVD Drive too, I loaded the driver, for the Atapi but it went after
the last part of the install along with the color and the mouse. I did
have the install prg blow out at one point, but I hit <Enter> and it
kept on loading so I don't think that was it as all were working until
the end of the install process after that happened.  Otherwise the
computer seems to be working fine.  I really miss the 3.5" diskdrive
right now though.  I am going to try burning a different CD ROM with
the programs I want and see if that helps at all.  Thanks, for all the
help Eric and everybody else, as I would right now be dead in the
water, bow down and shipping water fast without all the help,
Kirk Morrison  KA4PXK
Liberty Hill, SC USA

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