
  I made a small floppy disk based on the NwDisk image of FreeDOS and
MS Client, basically
I removed the unneeded programs and made a simple profile for the floppy to work
 as a MS client. The 'net xxx' commands work and I can
map/login/logout without problems
in the local MS workgroup.
  I noticed that when loading the NDIS drivers I had an option to load
a Packet Driver also
and when I came acros KA9Q NOS and I was wandering if I can use it on
top of the
NDIS/mstcp stack with  DIS_PKT.DOS loaded.
 I checked at http://pclt.cis.yale.edu/pclt/WINWORLD/NDIS.HTM and all
the necesary
drivers and a modified protocol.ini are present after 'net start'-ing
the network.
 But no matter what parameters I give to KA9Q's 'net.exe.' I cannot
'attach' to the packet
driver and see my ip address or use it to configure and  run network commands
 (I used 'attach packet 0x60 4 1500' to initialize NOS and then
'ifconfig'-ed a few times, but
to no avail; MS tcp net was configured via DHCP).
 My question is : it's possible to do something like this (run KA9Q on
top of the NDIS/mstcp) ?
 The resources I found on the internet are pretty scarce and I may be
using the wrong syntax
for NOS, but perhaps with more experience then me has used KA9Q before
and know more
about it.


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