> An easy way to do this would be to install the two different
> DOS versions in two different primary partitions and use a
> boot loader like gag (gag.sourceforge.net) to select
> which to boot.  GRUB would work as well, but I find
> configuring GRUB correctly a daunting task... :-)

Perhaps easier than that (if PC-DOS doesn't support FAT32) would be to
install PC-DOS on a FAT16 partition, and then install FreeDOS on a
FAT32 partition; then use a simple bootloader to choose which one to
boot.  That way FreeDOS will be able to see both partitions and
FreeDOS will always be the first primary partition to FreeDOS, and
PC-DOS will also act like it is the first DOS primay partition, as it
can only see its own drive and other FAT16 drives.

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