Hi, welcome to the club of FreeDOS Windows 3.1 users :-).

> http://robert.gotdaemon.net/win31-freedos/

I would like to add that you get a different error message when
attempting to use 386 enhanced mode if emm386 is not loaded.
Windows tries to take over the whole work of emm386 in 386 mode,
using an interface called GEMMIS. As this interface is complex
and not well documented and only needed for Windows, our EMM386
does not support it. You can also use the MS HIMEM / MS EMM386
which ship with Windows 3.1 and which do support GEMMIS. However,
I found them to run a lot worse than FreeDOS HIMEM / EMM386 on
modern hardware. You might want to try newer MS versions, though.
Talking about MS drivers: You should explicitly load SMARTDRV in
"no delayed writes" mode or just replace it by LBACACHE ;-).
It seems that SMARTDRV's delayed writes do not work reliably with
the FreeDOS kernel.

Heh, I love spreading FUD against MS ;-).

The crash when attempting to run a DOS program or DOS box from
within Windows is caused by wswap exe or dswap exe of Windows
being unable to "swap the context" of the DOS session with the
FreeDOS kernel. In other words, they cannot modify the running DOS
to make it "free" to start a new DOS program while Windows is still
around in the background.

CuteMouse may fail to detect that Windows is active. Then CuteMouse
would keep trying to access the mouse hardware while the Windows
mouse driver is doing the same. Solution: Do not load CuteMouse.

http://www.deskwork.de/DOWNLOAD/DOS/WINDOWS.TXT has some additional
hints in German: It basically recommends using /D:sfvcx (no system
breakpoints in UMB/ROM area, no 32bit disk access, no virtual hard-
disk IRQs, no 32bit file access, no usage of UMB/pageframe area).
Not all Windows versions have all of those /D:... options.
The text also tells that you must use a small nonpermanent swap
file even if you have a lot of RAM, and that you must edit your
system ini file [386Enh] section, adding a line:
this means that virtual memory size = 1 * physical memory size.
Default is a factor of 4, but Windows 3.1 cannot handle more than
1 GB of virtual memory and would crash with more than 256 MB RAM.
If you have more than 1 GB RAM, you will have to use the /MAX
option of our HIMEM to make at most 1 GB useable for DOS.
Translation help for other [386Enh] suggestions:
Fuegen ... ein (einfuegen) means insert
Entfernen ... means remove ...
There are several interesting suggestions for your system ini in
the WINDOWS.TXT file, so you may want to download it and try them.


PS: I have a cheat around which makes Windows 3.1 believe
that FreeDOS is compatible to 386 enhanced mode, while it is
not. Windows will just start up and crash very soon with that.

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