
let us know if it works, it's always interesting to see if files/programs work properly on ancient computers :)

Yes it worked. i think dos 3.2 is to blame. i tried to boot my old dos and got on every pc the same results. after swapping hd's i was able to install odin on it and placed it back in my 286 and it boots freedos without any problems.
(also rawrite works (wich was the origin of all of this))

But one last question i have. i cant format any partitions bigger than 20 meg. i allways thought the "magic" number was 32 meg. well in the pc is a 50 meg hdd and if i create a 50 meg primary partition i get a "theres an error with the first 5 sectors" and format stops. reducing the partition to 45,40, 32 etc allways the same error. just with a 20 meg partition it gets formated without any complaints. its not importand to me at all to have 20 or 50 megs, i just boot from the disk and have a few utils there the rest gets mapped thru network. i am just curious .. so the first 5 sectors are different if a partition is 20 meg size or 50 ? i allways thought the start at 0 and then go on...

have a nice day


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