Johnson Lam wrote:

On Sat, 13 Aug 2005 15:08:26 -0400, you wrote:

I've tested the CMDXMS.HEAD for a period of time, it's very stable

thanks for testing

I updated the descriptions a little, so hopefully it is clearer which are the recommended versions for more general testing/use.

Maybe we have to consider a deadline for testing, say 3 months. And
ask for a vote, if nobody run into a problem, then it should be
release 0.84 final.

The only thing holding up the release is me finding time to update all the translations with the new ones available (I have to search through my emails to try and find which ones are updated and where to get them). There are few issues that people brought up that need to be addressed, but I think they can wait for the following release.

The version number of Kernel and FreeCOM is confusing enough.


Thanks for your work.



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