Blair Campbell wrote:
Yes, but my question is, there is no Audio standard to conform in DOS
(as far as I know), so I suppose that a "DOS audio driver" means a
driver that implements a well known API, such as SoundBlaster. Right?

Exactly.  For example there are DOS drivers for SoundBlaster Live
cards and VIA audio chipsets that provice SoundBlaster emulation.

Do you know of any working DOS drivers for the VIA VT8233(A) audio on this MSI motherboard: ?

I have tried a few TSRs that supposedly work on other motherboards, but none work on mine.

I know that such a driver is possible, because the DOS audio player MPXPLAY supports this chipset. The old versions did not work on my motherboard, but the current version does. Of course, Linux and FreeBSD also have working drivers for this chipset.

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