Dear All,

Sorry, Eric again! Hoping that nobody MISLEAD by him, Jack have a
message to clear up:

Re: the 16-Jul-2005 comments by Eric Auer on FD-Devel (in reply to the
man that wants larger disk partitions), be advised that UDMA2 does not
process ONLY the following I-O requests:

A) Requests issued while the driver is "busy" with ANOTHER request.
The second request is REJECTED with BIOS error code 1 (invalid
function). This should never happen, unless some "hot shot" issues an
I-O request from within an interrupt routine! DOS drivers are NOT
designed to be "re-entrant"! NOTE that the driver DOES wait for
overlapped output to finish and will not reject a second I-O request
if actual overlapped output is running.

B) Requests whose sector count is zero or over 128. Such requests are
always passed to the BIOS; it can "complete" a zero-sector request
without having logic in UDMA2 to do this. Also, a sector count of 255
(FFh) may denote a "64-bit" I-O request. Neither UDMA2 nor most DOS
variants handle these!

C) Requests whose buffer address is FFFFFFFFh, denoting a "64-bit" I-O
request. Such requests are always passed to the BIOS, same as in (B)

ALL other I-O requests WILL be handled by UDMA2, UNLESS the driver IS
NOT using its XMS memory buffer. If the system was loaded without an
XMS manager (HIMEM, FDXMS, etc.), or if UDMA2 was loaded with its /B
switch, ONLY THEN will UDMA2 pass misaligned or boundary-crossing I-O
requests to the BIOS. For the 99% of us who DO have XMS memory
available and who do NOT use UDMA2 with /B, the driver will
process ALL legitimate I-O requests by itself, either by using direct
UltraDMA, or by using UltraDMA to or from its XMS buffer, which is
nearly as fast.

As "friend" Eric has again MISREPRESENTED what UDMA2 does, you may
want to post the above comments on FD-Devel as a "reply" to him!   

Note also that items (A) thru (C) above apply to XDMA as well. 

However, as XDMA requires an XMS buffer, it has the ability to execute
any legitimate disk I-O request and will NEVER "pass" legitimate I-O
to the BIOS! UDMA2 really SHOULD be written this way; but I WILL NOT
deal further with those in FreeDOS who insist on "DMA only" mode!

Best wishes!

Jack R. Ellis

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