Hi Michael:

First, let me say thanks to you and Eric Auer and everyone
else for the amazing support I've gotten in my efforts to
learn and use FreeDOS. I've used many commercial operating
systems, and this level of support is better than I have
seen with any of them!

OK, here is the config.sys file I used with emm386.  Note
that including NOEMS on the command line causes the
installhigh to FAIL with:
DOS/32A fatal (1002): DOS reported insufficient memory

I was able to write these files directly to my NTFS
WinXP disk while FreeDOS was running.  I have also
enclosed the same things from UMBPCI.

Note that, as nearly as I can tell, the NTFS4DOS program
did not load into high memory using emm386.

EMM386 - config.sys

echo  NTFS4DOS included by permission from datapol gmbh, germany
echo  NTFS4DOS and this CD may only be used on "private computers"
echo           and for "private uses"
echo  See www.datapol.de/dpd.
echo  Mark Bailey, [EMAIL PROTECTED], July 12, 2005 - Alpha 1.0
SHELL=a:\command.com a:\ /p
DEVICE=a:\fdos\emm386.exe x=test memcheck vds
DEVICE=a:\fdos\tdsk.exe 4096
installhigh=a:\datapol\ntfs4dos.exe a:\command.com a:\ /p




Segment   Size       Name         Type
------- --------  ----------  -------------
  0271    12880   DOS         system data
  0273      192    FILES       data area
  0280     2528    HIMEM       device driver
  031f     3344    EMM386      device driver
  03f1      384    TDSK        device driver
  040a       64    DEVICE      data area
  040f     1904    FILES       data area
  0487     2288    LASTDRV     data area
  0517     2048    STACKS      data area
  0597       48   NTFS4DOS    data area
  059b   335104   NTFS4DOS    program
  576c    65280   NTFS4DOS    data area
  675d       64   NTFS4DOS    data area
  6762       16   NTFS4DOS    data area
  6764       32               free
  6767     2992   COMMAND     program
  6823       80               free
  6829     3312   CTMOUSE     program
  68f9       96   MEM         environment
  6900    48240   MEM         program
  74c8   166032               free
  9d52      272   COMMAND     environment
  9d64     6576

Memory Type        Total       Used       Free
----------------  --------   --------   --------
Conventional          636K       427K       209K
Upper                   0K         0K         0K
Reserved              388K       388K         0K
Extended (XMS)    522,936K    29,691K   493,245K
----------------  --------   --------   --------
Total memory      523,960K    30,506K   493,454K

Total under 1 MB      636K       427K       209K

Total Expanded (EMS)                  32M (33,554,432 bytes)
Free Expanded (EMS)                   32M (33,538,048 bytes)

Largest executable program size       209K (214,288 bytes)
FreeDOS is resident in the high memory area.




Testing XMS memory ...
INT 2F AX=4309 supported
XMS version               3.00          XMS driver version        3.11
HMA state                 exists        A20 line state            enabled
Free XMS memory           505082880 bytes
Largest free XMS block    505082880 bytes
Free handles              63

 Block   Handle     Size     Locks
------- --------  --------  -------
      0     1802    872448        1
      1     1812   4194304        0
      2     1822   1572864        1
      3     1832   1572864        1
      4     1842   3145728        1
      5     1852   6291456        1
      6     1862  12582912        1
      7     1872    105472        0
Upper memory not available

Memory Type        Total       Used       Free
----------------  --------   --------   --------
Conventional          636K       427K       209K
Upper                   0K         0K         0K
Reserved              388K       388K         0K
Extended (XMS)    522,936K    29,691K   493,245K
----------------  --------   --------   --------
Total memory      523,960K    30,506K   493,454K

Total under 1 MB      636K       427K       209K

Total Expanded (EMS)                  32M (33,554,432 bytes)
Free Expanded (EMS)                   32M (33,538,048 bytes)

Largest executable program size       209K (214,288 bytes)
FreeDOS is resident in the high memory area.


UMBPCI example:

echo  NTFS4DOS included by permission from datapol gmbh, germany
echo  NTFS4DOS and this CD may only be used on "private computers"
echo           and for "private uses"
echo  See www.datapol.de/dpd.
echo  Mark Bailey, [EMAIL PROTECTED], July 12, 2005 - Alpha 1.0
SHELL=a:\command.com a:\ /p
DEVICE=a:\fdos\tdsk.exe 4096
installhigh=a:\datapol\ntfs4dos.exe a:\command.com a:\ /p



Segment   Size       Name         Type
------- --------  ----------  -------------
  0271     3328   DOS         system data
  0273      192    FILES       data area
  0280     2528    HIMEM       device driver
  031f      160    UMBPCI      device driver
  032a      384    TDSK        device driver
  0342    65280   NTFS4DOS    data area
  1333       64   NTFS4DOS    data area
  1338       32   NTFS4DOS    data area
  133b       48               free
  133f     2992   COMMAND     program
  13fb       96   MEM         environment
  1402    48240   MEM         program
  1fca   514432               free
  9d63     6576
  9f00   200704               reserved
  d000     6368   DOS         system data
  d002       64    DEVICE      data area
  d007     1904    FILES       data area
  d07f     2288    LASTDRV     data area
  d10f     2048    STACKS      data area
  d18f       48   NTFS4DOS    data area
  d193    52384   NTFS4DOS    program
  de5e     3312   CTMOUSE     program
  df2e      720               free
  df5c     2304               free
  dfed      288   COMMAND     environment

Memory Type        Total       Used       Free
----------------  --------   --------   --------
Conventional          636K        86K       550K
Upper                  64K        61K         3K
Reserved              324K       324K         0K
Extended (XMS)    522,936K    20,647K   502,289K
----------------  --------   --------   --------
Total memory      523,960K    21,118K   502,842K

Total under 1 MB      700K       147K       553K

Largest executable program size       550K (562,688 bytes)
Largest free upper memory block         2K (  2,320 bytes)
FreeDOS is resident in the high memory area.



Testing XMS memory ...
INT 2F AX=4309 supported
XMS version               3.00          XMS driver version        3.11
HMA state                 exists        A20 line state            enabled
Free XMS memory           514343936 bytes
Largest free XMS block    514343936 bytes
Free handles              68

 Block   Handle     Size     Locks
------- --------  --------  -------
      0     1802   4194304        0
      1     1812  16777216        1
      2     1822    105472        0
Free upper memory         3056 bytes
Largest upper block       2320 bytes

Memory Type        Total       Used       Free
----------------  --------   --------   --------
Conventional          636K        86K       550K
Upper                  64K        61K         3K
Reserved              324K       324K         0K
Extended (XMS)    522,936K    20,647K   502,289K
----------------  --------   --------   --------
Total memory      523,960K    21,118K   502,842K

Total under 1 MB      700K       147K       553K

Largest executable program size       550K (562,688 bytes)
Largest free upper memory block         2K (  2,320 bytes)
FreeDOS is resident in the high memory area.

Thanks again!


Michael Devore wrote:
At 08:03 AM 7/12/2005 -0400, Mark wrote:

So far, NTFS4DOS INSTALLHIGH works with UMBPCI but not
with EMM386.  I have 213K of conventional memory free when
running NTFS4DOS from the command line or using INSTALLHIGH
with EMM386 and 550K of conventional memory free when
using UMBPCI.

We need a MEM /F report on the 213K conventional memory. If that doesn't show extended memory, a MEM /X report, as well.

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