> Well, we are in DOS, not Unix.... I don't see clearly the advantages of
> looking into an variable for getting the users/passwords list... Can
> someone explain that to me?

As I said, it is good IMO to have all configuration files at single directory 
not one in C:\FREEDOS\BIN, another in C:\COOLPROG, third in C:\, etc... 
Imagine, you want to reinstall system and back up your configuration from old 
system. Is it easer to copy one directory with subdirectories or search whole 
disk for configuration files you may need?

> > Also, good
> > thing would be ability to ask PASSWORD to run some other password
> > programs after login and automatically enter login and password (if I
> > have local and NetWare/SMB login/password the same, I don't want to enter
> > password twice).
> No. It's basically impossible, as for security reasons FD Password don't
> stores the user's password anywhere, it just saves its checksum with a SDBM
> hash and then works only on the stored checksums. Maybe you should set on
> NetWare/SMB login=password and then use the USER variable?

How it could not store password entered by user? How then PASSWORD calculates 
hash for entered password? ;)

Having password and username the same is less secure than storing entered 
password for a few seconds in memory after user has entered it.
My idea was, to launch additional login programs after PASSWORD, and write 
entered login and password to their input.

And on some environments users even will not have ability to have SMB/NetWare 
login and password the same, because server will force password change after 
nn logins.


Kristaps Kaupe,

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