On Mon, 11 Apr 2005 21:06:04 +0400 (MSD), Fox wrote:

> 11-Апр-2005 18:50 Fox wrote to
> freedos-user@lists.sourceforge.net:
> F> I want to redirect to a file a text containing the string " | more". How 
> can
> F> ECHO my text | more my text >> myfile.txt
> echo "my text | more my text" >> myfile.txt
> But this outputs also quotes. Unfortunately, I don't know any other legal
> way to mask special characters. :(

1) The easy way is to get send.com from
then change your command to
SEND my text $b more my text >>myfile.txt

2) See question (38) in Timo Salmi's fine batch programming FAQ, which
shows several other methods.

3) If the text to be written will never change you can use DEBUG:

echo e 100 "my text" 7C "more my text" >temp
echo rcx 14 >>temp
echo n newfile.txt >>temp
echo w >>temp
echo q >>temp
debug <temp
del temp
type newfile.txt

(in that batch file, 7C is "|" and 14 is the hexadecimal number of
bytes to be written as newfile.txt (20 decimal)).

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