First, I see the fdconfig.sys has this line: SHELL=C:\FDOS\ C:\FDOS /D /P=C:\fdauto.bat /K set path=C:\FDOS\bin
Then I chang it to this: SHELL=C:\FDOS\ C:\FDOS /D /P=C:\fdauto.bat /K set path=C:\FDOS\bin;C:\UTILS\bin After I reboot the machine, I found it hangs.(It seems Ctrl-Alt-Del don't work) However, I did some things(I forgot what I had done) and I found the above line is ok and it didn't hang again. Now, I change that line to this: SHELL=C:\FDOS\ C:\FDOS /D /P=C:\fdauto.bat /K set path=C:\FDOS\bin;C:\UTILS\bin;C:\DJGPP\bin But it hangs again. Another thing is that when I boot the machine, it says "Bypassing C:\fdauto.bat", and I don't know why since C:\fdauto.bat exists. Could someone tell me how to fix it? I use FreeDOS Beta9 and following is my fdconfig.sys ;!COUNTRY=031,858,C:\FDOS\BIN\COUNTRY.SYS !SET lang=EN ;for help on commands, see file config.sys in your FreeDOS directory ; ;DOS=HIGH is still buggy (try running HELP), as is CDROM-driver. (see website) !LASTDRIVE=Z !BUFFERS=20 !FILES=40 !DOS=UMB !DOSDATA=UMB !set dircmd=/ogn /4 !MENUCOLOR=7,0 MENUDEFAULT=4,1,5 MENU 1 - Load FreeDOS with maximum RAM free, using EMM386 MENU 2 - Load FreeDOS including HIMEM XMS-memory driver MENU 3 - Load FreeDOS without drivers MENU 4 - Load FreeDOS with test 1?DOS=HIGH 12?DEVICE=C:\FDOS\BIN\HIMEM.EXE ;1?DEVICE=C:\FDOS\BIN\EMM386.EXE NOEMS X=TEST ;12?DEVICE=C:\FDOS\bin\ ;12?DEVICE=C:\FDOS\bin\atapicdd.sys /D:FDCD0001 ;12?DEVICE=C:\FDOS\bin\atapicdd.sys /D:FDCD0001 12?SHELL=C:\FDOS\ C:\FDOS /P=C:\FDOS\fdauto.bat 3?SHELL=C:\FDOS\ C:\FDOS /D /K set path=C:\FDOS\bin 4?DEVICE=C:\DRIVER\CDROM\ide.sys /D:SHSU0001 4?SHELL=C:\FDOS\ C:\FDOS /D /P=C:\fdauto.bat /K set path=C:\FDOS\bin;C:\UTILS\bin ;C:\DJGPP\bin ------------------------------------------------------- SF email is sponsored by - The IT Product Guide Read honest & candid reviews on hundreds of IT Products from real users. Discover which products truly live up to the hype. Start reading now. _______________________________________________ Freedos-user mailing list