Hi, people!
   I like programming a lot of stuff since long ago, but I think I never took it as seriously as now. For example, right now I'm having a problem: I want to program a game for DOS, a neoclassic, but I want it to use SVGA (using VESA) and a doublebuffer. The problem is that a doublebuffer in 640x480x256 is too large to fit in one memory block, so I'd better start (finally) using protected mode stuff.
   Because I never wanted to use libraries from other people and always liked to program my own, I used to find a second way for everything, but now I'm busted. I see that many programs run with cwsdpmi.com or similar stuff, and I would like to know how to make programs that use it. For some reason, it is very hard to find the detailed info about the functions of this thing online... and how to use it.
   Can anybody tell me what I can do or where I can find info... or which PDF I should download, for example?  I will really appreciate it. Thank you in advance.
PD: Uh, extra, I have an AWE64 and the program to initialize does not work under FreeDOS. It loads correctly, but then I have no FM or EMU8000 available, that is, no synth sound, only FX (DSP). Is that a bug in FreeDOS kernel?



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