Hi, I use the following:

a) in DOSEMU devicehigh=c:\dosemu\cdrom.sys
b) in plain DOS DEVICEHIGH=C:\bin\SSCDROM.SYS /D:CDROM001 /V /S:170,15,1
   (SSCDROM came with one of my drives, so why not use it?)
c) in vanilla installs devicehigh=c:\freedos\bin\atapicdd.sys ...
   (sorry, forgot the exact syntax but it does work, ALTHOUGH it does
   detect a single IDE master drive as "IDE master" working drive and
   defunct "IDE slave" ghost drive in some cases)

In autoexec:
if not exist CDRCACH$ goto nocdcache
lh c:\freedos\bin\shsucdx.exe /D:CDRCACH$,N
goto nocdromfound
if not exist CDROM001 goto nocdromfound
lh c:\freedos\bin\shsucdx.exe /D:CDROM001,N

This uses my CD ROM cache which is loaded in config:
DEVICEHIGH=C:\freedos\bin\CDRcache.sys CDROM001 CDRCACH$ 16

The CD ROM cache can be controlled with ECHO:
echo ? > cdrcach$
makes the cache write the help screen to the screen.


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