> On 29 Sep 2016, at 12:32, Marcelo Gondim <gon...@bsdinfo.com.br> wrote:
> Em 29/09/2016 08:42, Tiago Ribeiro escreveu:
>>> Em 29 de set de 2016, à(s) 07:17, Renato Botelho <rbga...@gmail.com> 
>>> escreveu:
>>>> On 28 Sep 2016, at 15:14, Rafael Aquino <raf...@lk6.com.br> wrote:
>>>> OI, Pessoal,
>>>> No site do BSD ainda não consta, mas no ftp oficial já tem ISO do 
>>>> 11-RELEASE.
>>>> Fui baixar uma iso do 10.3 e vi a 11 lá.
>> kkk, apressado come cru, já baixei a iso pq tenho um servidor a ser 
>> reinstalado
>> nos próximos dias.
> Previsão de anuncio para 05/10. Glen já deu um parecer:
> Dear FreeBSD Community:
> Although the FreeBSD 11.0-RELEASE has not yet been officially announced,
> many have found images on the Project FTP mirrors.
> However, please be aware the final 11.0-RELEASE will be rebuilt and
> republished on the Project mirrors as a result of a few last-minute
> security fixes we feel are imperative to include in the final release.
> FreeBSD users already running 11.0-RELEASE will be given instructions on
> how to safely upgrade systems to the 11.0-RELEASE-p1 in the final
> announcement email.  Those building from source code can obtain the
> latest security updates from the releng/11.0 branch in Subversion:
>    svn://svn.freebsd.org/base/releng/11.0
> As the FreeBSD Project strives to provide the best possible product, the
> Release Engineering team decided to build an updated release to include
> the fixes.  At present, we expect to have the final release available
> Wednesday, October 3rd.  If you have not yet downloaded 11.0-RELEASE,
> please wait for the official release announcement.
> Thank you in advance for your patience waiting for 11.0-RELEASE, and of
> course for understanding the reasons behind the updated release.

Eu fico feliz de ver o time de release ainda manter essa postura nos dias de 
hoje, dando prioridade a qualidade da release ao invés de ficar tentando 
cumprir schedule :)

Renato Botelho

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