Estou tentando subir um named (slave) no entanto ocorre o seguinte erro.
O que pode ser a causa?

*Oct 21 13:17:34 dns2 named[4222]: starting BIND 9.6.2-P2 -t /var/named
-u bind
Oct 21 13:17:34 dns2 named[4222]: built with '--prefix=/usr'
'--infodir=/usr/share/info' '--mandir=/usr/share/man' '--enable-threads'
'--disable-ipv6' '--enable-getifaddrs' '--disable-linux-caps'
'--with-openssl=/usr' '--with-randomdev=/dev/random' '--without-idn'
Oct 21 13:17:34 dns2 named[4222]: could not listen on UDP socket:
address in use
Oct 21 13:17:34 dns2 named[4222]: creating IPv4 interface em0 failed;
interface ignored
Oct 21 13:17:34 dns2 named[4222]: could not listen on UDP socket:
address in use
Oct 21 13:17:34 dns2 named[4222]: creating IPv4 interface lo0 failed;
interface ignored
Oct 21 13:17:34 dns2 named[4222]: not listening on any interfaces
Oct 21 13:17:34 dns2 named[4222]: /etc/namedb/named.conf:30: couldn't
add command channel address in use
Oct 21 13:17:34 dns2 named[4222]: could not listen on UDP socket:
permission denied
Oct 21 13:17:34 dns2 named[4222]: creating IPv4 interface em0 failed;
interface ignored
Oct 21 13:17:34 dns2 named[4222]: could not listen on UDP socket:
permission denied
Oct 21 13:17:34 dns2 named[4222]: creating IPv4 interface lo0 failed;
interface ignored
Oct 21 13:17:34 dns2 named[4222]: running

*Em /etc/namedb/named.conf

 *29 controls {
 30         inet * allow {; } keys { "rndc-key"; };
 31 };
Por fim:

*Oct 21 12:37:18 dns2 named[2472]: dumping master file:
/etc/namedb/tmp-rslR93AouJ: open: permission denied
Oct 21 12:37:18 dns2 named[2472]: transfer of '0.0.127.IN-ADDR.ARPA/IN'
from ip_do_master#53: failed while receiving responses: permission denied


*Oct 21 13:21:19 dns2 named[4133]: zone refresh:
could not set file modification time of '/etc/namedb/':
permission denied

*Teria que fazer um chown bind:bind nos diretorios de configuração de no


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