2010/1/29 Paulo Henrique <paulo.rd...@bsd.com.br>:
> Segue abaixo minhas regras.
> scrub in on $INT_IF all fragment reassemble
> scrub in on $INT_IF all no-df
> scrub on $INT_IF all reassemble tcp
> saida pfctl -nf $arquivo
> # pfctl  -nf /root/firewall/pf.conf
> /root/firewall/pf.conf:88: syntax error
> Linha 88 = scrub in on $INT_IF all fragment reassemble

Diga o valor de $INT_IF

Fiz aqui e funcionou:

mt# grep scrub /etc/pf.conf
scrub in on $IF_Int_Prisma all fragment reassemble
scrub in on $All_IF_Int all fragment reassemble

mt# grep "All_IF_Int =" /etc/pf.conf
All_IF_Int = "{ " $IF_Int_Aplic $IF_Int_Prisma $IF_Int_ATAs $IF_Int_Servs " }"

mt# grep "IF_Int_Prisma =" /etc/pf.conf
IF_Int_Prisma = "vlan101"
IP_IF_Int_Prisma = "( " $IF_Int_Prisma " )"

mt# pfctl -nf /etc/pf.conf

Marcelo Rossi
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