Se tiverem algum hd sobrando ae instalem o freebsd como boot na
partição nativa (sem ser na mbr) e instale o gag, aqui uso slackware,
debian, freebsd 7 e windows e funciona na boa com o gag.

2010/1/13, Alan <>:
> No manual do Grub está como exemplo somente root (hd0,a).
> 4.2.3 FreeBSD
> GRUB can load the kernel directly, either in ELF or a.out format. But this
> is not recommended, since FreeBSD's bootstrap interface sometimes changes
> heavily, so GRUB can't guarantee to pass kernel parameters correctly.
> Thus, we'd recommend loading the very flexible loader /boot/loader instead.
> See this example:
> grub> root (hd0,a)
> grub> kernel /boot/loader
> grub> boot
> 11.1 How to specify devices
> The device syntax is like this:
> (device[,part-num][,bsd-subpart-letter])
> `[]' means the parameter is optional. device should be either `fd' or `hd'
> followed by a digit, like `fd0'. But you can also set device to a
> hexadecimal or a decimal number which is a BIOS drive number, so the
> following are equivalent:
> (hd0)
> (0x80)
> (128)
> part-num represents the partition number of device, starting from zero for
> primary partitions and from four for extended partitions, and
> bsd-subpart-letter represents the BSD disklabel subpartition, such as `a' or
> `e'.
> A shortcut for specifying BSD subpartitions is (device,bsd-subpart-letter),
> in this case, GRUB searches for the first PC partition containing a BSD
> disklabel, then finds the subpartition bsd-subpart-letter. Here is an
> example:
> (hd0,a)
>> algum ponto em particular (inicia e para, não inicia..)??
> Veja o erro exato:
> root (hd0,2,a)
>    Filesystem type unknown, partition type 0xa5
>    kernel /boot/loader
>    Error 17: Cannot mount selected partition
> --
> Celso Vianna
> BSD User: 51318
> 63 8404-8559
> Palmas/TO
> -------------------------
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Rafael Rodrigues de Oliveira
Jesus Christ's Blood Purifies Us of All Sin
Linux #357492 / FreeBSD #BSD051202
CISCO CCNA Loading .ılı..ılı.
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