The little red fellow that graces many of these pages is the BSD Daemon. In
the context of UNIX® systems, daemons are process that run in the background
attending to various tasks without human intervention. In the general sense,
daemon is an older form of the word demon. In the *Unix System
Administration Handbook*, Evi Nemeth has this to say about daemons:

"Many people equate the word ``daemon'' with the word ``demon,'' implying
some kind of Satanic connection between UNIX and the underworld. This is an
egregious misunderstanding. ``Daemon'' is actually a much older form of
``demon''; daemons have no particular bias towards good or evil, but rather
serve to help define a person's character or personality. The ancient
Greeks' concept of a ``personal daemon'' was similar to the modern concept
of a ``guardian angel'' --- ``eudaemonia'' is the state of being helped or
protected by a kindly spirit. As a rule, UNIX systems seem to be infested
with both daemons and demons." (p403)

The earliest (and most popular) renditions of the BSD Daemon were created by
John Lasseter. More recent FreeBSD-specific renditions have done by Tatsumi
Hosokawa <>, but the basic inspiration was
definitely John's. The copyright holder and creator of the daemon
image is Marshall
Kirk McKusick <>. A short pictorial
history<>is also available.
There is a gallery of FreeBSD related
publications <> that use variations of
the daemon graphic.

2009/5/10 Otacílio de Araújo Ramos Neto <>

> Caros
> Na winkipédia em português no primeiro parágrafo que trata do mascote
> do FreeBSD
> está escrito que o nome dele é Daemon, mas até onde sei é Beastie.
> O que vocês acham? Está errado?
> -------------------------
> Histórico:
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Ricardo Nascimento Ferreira
Analista de Segurança da Informação
CISSP-DF Grupo de Estudos
Modulo Certified Security Officer
Solaris Certified System Administrator
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