seu arquivo de configuração do natd está errado, não existe a opção
some_ports... e sim same_ports

2008/11/18 Luis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Amigos quando eu do um start no natd ele me apresenta esse erro ja fiz as
> modificações.
> No meu RC.CONF eu so deixo firewall_enable="YES"?
> mas quando eu do um stat no natd quando n inicializa ipfw nem natd no
> rc.conf ele inicializa sem dar erros
> hostserver# /etc/rc.d/natd start
> Starting natd.
> Loading /lib/
> Loading /lib/
> Loading /lib/
> Loading /lib/
> Loading /lib/
> Loading /lib/
> Loading /lib/
> natd: unknown option some_ports
> Recognized options:
> -unregistered_only    [yes|no]
> -u                    [yes|no]
>      alias only unregistered addresses
> -log                  [yes|no]
> -l                    [yes|no]
>      enable logging
> -proxy_only           [yes|no]
>      proxy only
> -reverse              [yes|no]
>      operate in reverse mode
> -deny_incoming        [yes|no]
> -d                    [yes|no]
>      allow incoming connections
> -use_sockets          [yes|no]
> -s                    [yes|no]
>      use sockets to inhibit port conflict
> -same_ports           [yes|no]
> -m                    [yes|no]
>      try to keep original port numbers for connections
> -verbose              [yes|no]
> -v                    [yes|no]
>      verbose mode, dump packet information
> -dynamic              [yes|no]
>      dynamic mode, automatically detect interface address changes
> -in_port              number|service_name
> -i                    number|service_name
>      set port for incoming packets
> -out_port             number|service_name
> -o                    number|service_name
>      set port for outgoing packets
> -port                 number|service_name
> -p                    number|service_name
>      set port (defaults to natd/divert)
> -globalport           number|service_name
>      set globalport
> -alias_address        x.x.x.x
> -a                    x.x.x.x
>      address to use for aliasing
> -target_address       x.x.x.x
> -t                    x.x.x.x
>      address to use for incoming sessions
> -interface            network_if_name
> -n                    network_if_name
>      take aliasing address from interface
> -proxy_rule           [type encode_ip_hdr|encode_tcp_stream] port xxxx
> server a.b.c.d:yyyy
>      add transparent proxying / destination NAT
> -redirect_port        tcp|udp local_addr:local_port_range[,...]
> [public_addr:]public_port_range [remote_addr[:remote_port_range]]
>      redirect a port (or ports) for incoming traffic
> -redirect_proto       proto local_addr [public_addr] [remote_addr]
>      redirect packets of a given proto
> -redirect_address     local_addr[,...] public_addr
>      define mapping between local and public addresses
> -config               file_name
> -f                    file_name
>      read options from configuration file
> -log_denied           [yes|no]
>      enable logging of denied incoming packets
> -log_facility         facility
>      name of syslog facility to use for logging
> -punch_fw             basenumber:count
>      punch holes in the firewall for incoming FTP/IRC DCC connections
> -skinny_port          port
>      set the TCP port for use with the Skinny Station protocol
> -log_ipfw_denied      [yes|no]
>      log packets converted by natd, but denied by ipfw
> -pid_file             file_name
> -P                    file_name
>      store PID in an alternate file
> -instance             instance name
>      name of aliasing engine instance
> -------------------------
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Thiago J. Ruiz
Cisco CCNA - Loading.
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