Ola pessoal

Instalei um servidor de e-mail usando QMAIL. Esta tudo certinho... menos essa 
mensagem que fica aparecendo o tempo todo.

@40000000490226671830fc4c warning: unable to stat mess/0/0
@40000000490226671844f594 warning: unable to stat mess/1/1
@40000000490226671845091c warning: unable to stat mess/2/2
@4000000049022667184518bc warning: unable to stat mess/3/3
@40000000490226671845285c warning: unable to stat mess/4/4
@4000000049022667184537fc warning: unable to stat mess/5/5
@40000000490226671845479c warning: unable to stat mess/6/6
@40000000490226671845573c warning: unable to stat mess/7/7
@4000000049022667184566dc warning: unable to stat mess/8/8
@40000000490226671845767c warning: unable to stat mess/9/9
@40000000490226671845c49c warning: unable to stat mess/10/10
@40000000490226671845d054 warning: unable to stat mess/11/11
@40000000490226671845dff4 warning: unable to stat mess/12/12
@40000000490226671845ef94 warning: unable to stat mess/13/13
@40000000490226671845ff34 warning: unable to stat mess/14/14
@400000004902266718460aec warning: unable to stat mess/15/15
@400000004902266718461a8c warning: unable to stat mess/16/16
@400000004902266718462e14 warning: unable to stat mess/17/17
@40000000490226671846590c warning: unable to stat mess/18/18
@4000000049022667184664c4 warning: unable to stat mess/19/19
@400000004902266718467464 warning: unable to stat mess/20/20
@40000000490226671846801c warning: unable to stat mess/21/21
@400000004902266718468fbc warning: unable to stat mess/22/22

Alguém pode me ajudar neste problema   ?

Pedro Ricardo de Oliveira
Skype: prrecife

      Novos endereços, o Yahoo! que você conhece. Crie um email novo com a sua 
cara @ymail.com ou @rocketmail.com.
Histórico: http://www.fug.com.br/historico/html/freebsd/
Sair da lista: https://www.fug.com.br/mailman/listinfo/freebsd

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