Mais um dia de derrota para a Marvell... Olha que eles me disseram:
Hi Thomaz, I checked with the developers and they told me that the 88E8040 device should operate in at least the v6 FreeBSD. here is some information that should help once the driver module is loaded into the OS: >From the following info in the readme: In order for the system to load the driver automatically on booting, the following line must be added to the file /boot/loader.conf: if_myk_load="YES" In addition to this, the following line must be added to the /etc/rc.conf file to configure the interface when the system is booted: ifconfig_myk0="inet" This assumes a local IP address of You must replace this IP address with your computer's IP address. On reboot, the driver will be loaded and the interface configured automatically. It is also possible to load and unload the kernel module by hand. To load the kernel module by hand, type: kldload if_myk.ko To unload the kernel module by hand, type: kldunload if_myk.ko It looks like the following commands either need to be entered manually or can be added to the /boot/loader.conf for the first one and the /etc/rc.conf for the second one: if_myk_load="YES" and ifconfig_myk0="inet" Hope that this helps. If you have already done this and it did not work let me know and we can research this further. If there are any errors or log entries relating to the Yukon device and a failure of the driver to load please forward these to us. Thanks! Kind regards - Terry Appling Application Support Engineer 408-222-0666 Já tinha tentado isso mas nada... Se alguem conseguir me avise!!! ABraços!!! -- ThOLOko ThOmaz BeLgine -FrEEBSD- UniX TeaM (LeT's MaKe InStaLL ClEan) ------------------------- Histórico: Sair da lista: