2007/11/16, Leandro L J S <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>    Olá
>    Fiz um teste aqui e realmente não funcionou, veja se fiz certo por favor
> Fiz assim:
> /root/pf.conf
> # Options: tune the behavior of pf, default values are given.
> set timeout { interval 10, frag 30 }
> set timeout { tcp.first 90, tcp.opening 30, tcp.established 86400 }
> set timeout { tcp.closing 900, tcp.finwait 45, tcp.closed 90 }
> set timeout { udp.first 60, udp.single 30, udp.multiple 60 }
> set timeout { icmp.first 60, icmp.error 30 }
> set timeout { other.first 60, other.single 30, other.multiple 60 }
> set timeout { adaptive.start 0, adaptive.end 0 }
> set limit { states 10000, frags 5000 }
> set loginterface vr0
> set optimization aggressive
> set block-policy drop
> set require-order yes
> set fingerprints "/etc/pf.os"
> set skip on lo0
> # Scrub para todas as interfaces para pacotes fragmentos perdidos
> scrub in  all
> scrub out  all
> #Queue Controle de Banda Upload
> altq on vr0 bandwidth 1Gb cbq queue { \
> defaultvr0, A002u }
> #Cliente João
> queue A002u on vr0 bandwidth 256Kb cbq (red)
> #Queues do Sistema
> queue defaultvr0 on vr0 bandwidth 512Kb cbq (default)
> #---------------------------------------------------------------
> #Queue Controle de Banda Download
> altq on rl0 bandwidth 1Gb cbq queue { \
> defaultrl0, A002d, proxy }
> #Cliente João
> queue A002d on rl0 bandwidth 256Kb cbq (red)
> #Queues do Sistema
> queue defaultrl0 on rl0 bandwidth 64Kb cbq (default)
> queue proxy on rl0 bandwidth 512Kb cbq (red)
> #Cliente João
> pass out quick on vr0 inet from to any label A002u queue A002u
> pass out quick on rl0 inet from any to tos 0x60 queue proxy
> pass out quick on rl0 inet from any to label A002d queue A002d
>    Se possível me mandar os exemplos seus ficarei grato
> Obrigado8
> -------------------------
> Histórico: http://www.fug.com.br/historico/html/freebsd/
> Sair da lista: https://www.fug.com.br/mailman/listinfo/freebsd
de quanto e seu link ai...

altq on $int_if bandwidth 128Kb cbq queue  { dflt_in local_in}
queue dflt_in bandwidth 50% cbq(default)
queue local_in bandwidth 50%

## Queueing: rule-based bandwidth control.
altq on $ext_if bandwidth 128Kb cbq queue  { dflt_out1, local1 }
queue dflt_out bandwidth 50% cbq(default)
queue local1 bandwidth 50%

ass in on $int_if from to any keep state queue  dflt_in
pass in on $int_if from to any keep state queue local_in
pass in on $ext_if from 1192.168.0.0/24 to any keep state queue dflt_out1
pass in on $iext_if from to any keep state queue local1

Alessandro de Souza Rocha
Administrador de Redes e Sistemas
Freebsd-BR User #117
Histórico: http://www.fug.com.br/historico/html/freebsd/
Sair da lista: https://www.fug.com.br/mailman/listinfo/freebsd

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