servidor# pkg_info | grep -i php
libmcrypt-2.5.8     Multi-cipher cryptographic library (used in PHP)
p5-PHP-Session-0.26 Read / write PHP session files
php5-5.2.4          PHP Scripting Language
php5-bz2-5.2.4      The bz2 shared extension for php
php5-ctype-5.2.4    The ctype shared extension for php
php5-gd-5.2.4       The gd shared extension for php
php5-mbstring-5.2.4 The mbstring shared extension for php
php5-mcrypt-5.2.4   The mcrypt shared extension for php
php5-mysql-5.2.4    The mysql shared extension for php
php5-mysqli-5.2.4   The mysqli shared extension for php
php5-openssl-5.2.4  The openssl shared extension for php
php5-pcre-5.2.4     The pcre shared extension for php
php5-session-5.2.4  The session shared extension for php
php5-simplexml-5.2.4 The simplexml shared extension for php
php5-snmp-5.2.4     The snmp shared extension for php
php5-spl-5.2.4      The spl shared extension for php
php5-xml-5.2.4      The xml shared extension for php
php5-zlib-5.2.4     The zlib shared extension for php
phpMyAdmin-2.11.1   A set of PHP-scripts to manage MySQL over the web

 │                      Options for php5 5.2.4                        │
     │ ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │
     │ │[X] CLI        Build CLI version                                │ │
     │ │[X] CGI        Build CGI version                                │ │
     │ │[X] APACHE     Build Apache module                              │ │
     │ │[X] DEBUG      Enable debug                                     │ │
     │ │[X] SUHOSIN    Enable Suhosin protection system (not for jails) │ │
     │ │[ ] MULTIBYTE  Enable zend multibyte support                    │ │
     │ │[X] IPV6       Enable ipv6 support                              │ │
     │ │[ ] MAILHEAD   Enable mail header patch                         │ │
     │ │[ ] REDIRECT   Enable force-cgi-redirect support (CGI only)     │ │
     │ │[ ] DISCARD    Enable discard-path support (CGI only)           │ │
     │ │[X] FASTCGI    Enable fastcgi support (CGI only)                │ │
     │ │[X] PATHINFO   Enable path-info-check support (CGI only)

Em 02/10/07, Alex Moura <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escreveu:
> Poderia mandar a saída do comando:
> pkg_info | grep -i php
> e as opções selecionadas do seu PHP5?
> cd /usr/ports/lang/php5
> make config
> -------------------------
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Matheus Machado
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