Fala ae,

Pior que eu já coloquei: Ficou assim:

/sbin/ipfw -q -f flush
/sbin/ipfw add 65 fwd,3128 tcp from any to any 80
/sbin/ipfw add 80 divert natd all from any to any via lnc0
/sbin/ipfw add 90 check-state
/sbin/ipfw add 95 allow all from any to any via lo0
/sbin/ipfw add 100 allow log icmp from any to any
/sbin/ipfw add 200 allow ip from to any keep-state
/sbin/ipfw add 250 allow ip from any to keep-state
/sbin/ipfw add 65000 deny all from any to any


On 10/5/06, Alexandre Maciente <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Olá Alexandre (chará),
> Tente colocar a regra de forward (165) antes da regra de Nat e (divert 80).
> Boa sorte!
> Alexandre Maciente
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Alexandre Andrade" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Lista Brasileira de Discussão sobre FreeBSD (FUG-BR)"
> <Freebsd@fug.com.br>
> Sent: Thursday, October 05, 2006 3:49 PM
> Subject: [FUG-BR] Proxy-Transparente + IPFW
> Hello pessoal,
> Acho que hoje não acordei muito inspirado e to quebrando a cabeça pra
> fazer um Proxy-Transparente funcionar. heheh
> Segue as minhas regras de IPFW, o que será que tá errado. ?
> /sbin/ipfw -q -f flush
> /sbin/ipfw add 80 divert natd all from any to any via lnc0
> /sbin/ipfw add 90 check-state
> /sbin/ipfw add 95 allow all from any to any via lo0
> /sbin/ipfw add 100 allow log icmp from any to any
> /sbin/ipfw add 164 allow tcp from any to any
> /sbin/ipfw add 165 fwd,3128 tcp from any to any 80
> /sbin/ipfw add 200 allow ip from to any keep-state
> /sbin/ipfw add 250 allow ip from any to keep-state
> /sbin/ipfw add 65000 deny all from any to any
> Só lembrando que o SQUID tá perfeitamente configurado.
> Valeu.
> --
> ============================
> Alexandre Andrade
> São Paulo - SP
> Linux User: 337239
> BSD User: BSD051253
> ============================
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> Histórico: http://www.fug.com.br/historico/html/freebsd/
> Sair da lista: https://www.fug.com.br/mailman/listinfo/freebsd
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> Sair da lista: https://www.fug.com.br/mailman/listinfo/freebsd

Alexandre Andrade
São Paulo - SP
Linux User: 337239
BSD User: BSD051253
Histórico: http://www.fug.com.br/historico/html/freebsd/
Sair da lista: https://www.fug.com.br/mailman/listinfo/freebsd

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