--- Marcello Costa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> coloque em /etc/devfs.conf
> # Allow members of the group operator to mount the
> floppy disk.
> own     /dev/fd0        root:operator
> perm    /dev/fd0        0660
> # Allow members of the group operator to mount the
> cdrom.
> own     /dev/acd0       root:operator
> perm    /dev/acd0       0660
> # Allow members of the group operator to mount a USB
> Memory Stick.
> own     /dev/da0        root:operator
> perm    /dev/da0        0660
> -- 
> Marcello Costa
> BSD System Engineer
> unixmafia at yahoo dot com dot br

tou com problema com permissoes de pendrive / dvdrw e
cheguei a ler coisa. no man tem explicito que esse
devfs.conf eh devs que estao no pc no boot. se vc
colocar um pendrive por ex ele nao seria regido por
esse arquivo ( diz la )

sei que nao resolvi ainda ( deixei de lado, sem tempo


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