Na minha tela de debug do Freeradius com FreeBSD aparece a tela abixo, alguém sabe o que pode ser? A comunicacao usa TLS com LDAP. O LDAP ja´ está funcionando com o ldapsearch na porta ldaps, sniffei e vejo o tráfego encriptado. Quando tento colocar o Radius com LDAP usando TLS tenho problemas. A comunicação RADIUS LDAP sem TLS funciona perfeitamente. Look my config in radius: -------------------- ldap { Auth-Type := LDAP server="" identity="cn=root,dc=com" password=teste basedn="ou=users,dc=com" filter = (uid=%{Stripped-User-Name:-{User-Name}}) base_filter = "(objectclass=radiusprofile)" password_attribute = userPassword dictionary_mapping = /usr/local/etc/raddb/ldap.attrmap ldap_cache_timeout = 320 ldap_cache_size = 0 ldap_connections_number = 10 timeout = 3 timelimit = 5 net_timeout = 1 compare_check_items = no port=636 start_tls = no tls_mode = no tls_cacertfile = /usr/var/openldap-data/cacert.pem tls_certfile = /usr/var/opendalp-data/ldap.client.pem tls_keyfile = /usr/var/openldap-data/ldap.client.key.pem tls_require_cert = "demand" } ------------------- Look my debug: -------------------- User-Name = "digo" CHAP-Password = 0x35a7441d3124adc1718fe869aa81b073e3 NAS-IP-Address = x.y.z.5 NAS-Identifier = "UFRJGK" NAS-Port-Type = Virtual Service-Type = Login-User CHAP-Challenge = 0x41fd554e Framed-IP-Address = x.y.z.8 Cisco-AVPair = "h323-ivr-out=terminal-alias:" rlm_ldap: - authorize rlm_ldap: performing user authorization for anderson rlm_ldap: ldap_get_conn: Checking Id: 0 rlm_ldap: ldap_get_conn: Got Id: 0 rlm_ldap: (re)connect to, authentication 0 rlm_ldap: setting TLS mode to 1 rlm_ldap: setting TLS CACert File to /usr/var/openldap-data/cacert.pem rlm_ldap: setting TLS Require Cert to never rlm_ldap: setting TLS Cert File to /usr/var/opendalp-data/ldap.client.pem rlm_ldap: setting TLS Key File to /usr/var/openldap-data/ldap.client.key.pem rlm_ldap: bind as cn=root,dc=com/ rlm_ldap: cn=root,dc=com bind to failed: Can't contact LDAP server rlm_ldap: (re)connection attempt failed rlm_ldap: search failed rlm_ldap: ldap_release_conn: Release Id: 0 ------------------- _______________________________________________________________ Para enviar um novo email para a lista: Sair da Lista: Historico: