On 09/01/21 12:09, Andrea Venturoli wrote:
On 1/8/21 8:42 PM, Guido Falsi wrote:

I don't agree. Using a network file system for home directory if problematic at present. Most software uses sqlite databases for configurations which explicitly does not support networked file systems. and other problems could arise.
 >> Such a note should be attached to most software in the ports tree.
 >> Firefox and thunderbird (and most other browsers AFAIK) just to name
 >> two which use sqlite DBs heavily.

(This is going OT, but Sqlite, in their FAQ, only suggest against *multiple processes* accessing the same database over NFS. ThunderBird works perfectly in such a setup as it's only one user/program accessing the database.)

Thunderbird will work fine until it will have problems. Anyway you are obviouslt free to run your system any way you'd like to.

ANyway, thinking about it, if the chflag errors are just warnings like you say above, then setting a custom TMPDIR will not be needed even with your setup. So there is no need for a warning anyway.

Guido, you are losing sight with the heart of the problem, i.e. without TMPDIR, xfce4-appearance-settings tries to create a temporary directory in / (and obviously fails).
This has nothing to do with where home is or what filesystem it's using.

I've proposed a patch upstream to fix this where it should be fixed. Depending on the existence of a variable and not having a sensible default is an upstream bug.

Ref: https://gitlab.xfce.org/xfce/xfce4-settings/-/merge_requests/41

IMVVHO, if TMPDIR is something a FreeBSD will most probably NOT have, then it should be changed into something else. Or at least the user should know it must be set.

I made a mistake saying that it would have to be set. I said that because I thought that /tmp (a sensible fallback default and what I propose upstream) would not have been a working one on your setup, but that's not the case. So patching upstream to fallback on /tmp is more reasonable.


Guido Falsi <m...@madpilot.net>
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