--- Comment #2 from Chris Hutchinson <> ---
(In reply to Guido Falsi from comment #1)
Thanks for the reply, Guido!
I've not been a fan of using pkg. But felt it might be
time to give it another chance. So *everything* is straight
from FreeBSD. That is; the kernel, and world are that which
came from the install medium, and everything else is straight
from pkg(8).
pkg install xorg-server xorg-fonts xorg-drivers xorg-apps \
xfce-4 slim drm-legacy-kmod
echo startxfce4 >~/.xinitrc
echo 'kld_list="/boot/modules/i915kms.ko'>>/etc/rc.conf
make.conf(5) is empty

bounce the box. which brings up the slim logon screen.
login. xfce4 starts. I confirm that it works. I bounce
the box again. login via slim. xfce4 starts. the moment
the desktop appears, the screen goes black, then slim
login screen reappears. I try again. Same sequence of events.
kill -HUP <slim-pid-number>
check any associated log files. messages indicates xfce4-session
dumps core on signal 11.
Delete *all* ports via pkg. confirm I have zero ports installed.
Only package left is pkg. Install all ports as above. But no joy.
xfce4-session *still* dumps core.
So. I decided to test against slim;
pkg install icewm
echo icewm-session>~/.xinitrc
bounce box
login via slim. Which presents the IceWM desktop. Everything
works fine. IceWM still works. So I think we can rule out slim.
I have no ports(7) or source tree on this box. Are you suggesting
that I build everything from source? Is there no flag I can
append to xfce4-session that might make more noise in the log(s)
and perhaps provide more clues?

Thanks again for the reply, Guido!


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