On Thu, 09 Jul 2020 11:36:59 +0000
"Bjoern A. Zeeb" <b...@freebsd.org> wrote:

> On 9 Jul 2020, at 11:24, driesm.michi...@gmail.com wrote:
> Hi Dreis,
> > I was wondering what the current state of the following wireless cards 
> > is:
> >
> > *   Intel Wireless-AC 9560 (T490 wifi card)
> > *   Intel Wi-Fi 6 AX201 (T14 wifi card)
> I am currently working under FreeBSD Foundation Sponsorship to get us 
> full Intel HW support for all the new cards and up to 11ac wireless.
> The first half is done ( see 
> https://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-wireless/2020-July/009233.html 
> ) which is the PCI attachments work, the firmware loads and starts.

 That's a bit optimistic that attach and firmware loading is half of
the work no ?
 I don't know how much linuxkpi layer is needed for 80211 compat but I
guess it's "a lot" ?

>  Now 
> there?s a dual-case to be finished: net80211 11ac infrastructure to 
> finish, which Adrian has started the last years, and we?ll see how 
> much of a Linux compat layer we?ll manage to have (which would also 
> help other drivers to be ported over more easily).  

 IIRC Linux have multiple 80211 framework no ?
 I guess your work only focus on one (used by iwlwifi), do you know how
many drivers used the same one ? What about FullMAC drivers like the
SDIO broadcom one used in many ARM SBC, is that using the same
framework ?

> The hope is that we?ll have full 11ac before the end of the year.

 Hope or goal ? :)

> > But besides that and AX support for the future I don't see any extra 
> > value.
> I cannot say anything about 11ax yet, but certainly once 11ac is done 
> that?s on the roadmap.
> /bz
> PS: I?d be careful with assuming that all the 9560s are supported; 
> depends on the chipset;  if it is, yes 11g still.
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