
This is probably a longshot, but I'm trying to get bluetooth working on
my librem laptops.  Both have the Atheros AR9462 wireless card.  Here is
pciconf -lbev:

ath0@pci0:2:0:0:        class=0x028000 rev=0x01 hdr=0x00 vendor=0x168c
device=0x0034 subvendor=0x11ad subdevice=0x0802
    vendor     = 'Qualcomm Atheros'
    device     = 'AR9462 Wireless Network Adapter'
    class      = network
    bar   [10] = type Memory, range 64, base 0xb2000000, size 524288,
  PCI-e errors = Correctable Error Detected
     Corrected = Receiver Error
                 Bad TLP
                 Bad DLLP
                 Replay Timer Timeout

I have all the kernel modules loaded and the service enabled, and I can
do hccontrol inquiry.  The problem is that hccontrol inquiry fails to
detect any bluetooth devices, even when I have my bluetooth mouse set to
discover (my phone picks it up just fine).

Is there a way I can detect whether my card and driver are working properly?

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