I'm too busy right now! sorry!


On Fri, 10 May 2019 at 10:09, Stephen Patrick <step...@cablefree.net> wrote:

> That sounds really interesting!
> Is anyone - your or others - interested in pursuing this work further?
> We are very interested -
> Look forward to hearing more,
> Best regards
> Stephen
> On Thu, 9 May 2019 at 19:55, Adrian Chadd <adrian.ch...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> hi!
>> Ok, so the 30 second version:
>> * the AR54xx, AR91xx and later 11n chips had some changes to the
>> resolution of the timers that Sam used to control transmit timing and
>> windows; that should all work fine;
>> * there's no rate control right now, it's "stuff as many frames into the
>> queue and let the hardware transmit what it can when it can"; that isn't
>> optimal but it works fine;
>> * Sam didn't publish code to support >1 STA but I don't think it'd be
>> hard to add that support.
>> SO, out of the box the basic TDMA bits work. But!
>> The important gotcha - on the AR9380 and later chips the DMA engine logic
>> changed. The "FIFO" model uses a FIFO of TX descriptor lists. The earlier
>> model just had  TX descriptor list that you would append to. Unfortunately
>> when they added that they changed the ungate to ungate a single FIFO entry,
>> rather than run the DMA engine until all the txop timers had completed.
>> So for example if you pushed in eight individual packets into 8 FIFO
>> slots in the voice queue and then you got a voice TxOP, you may notice
>> you're only getting a /single/ FIFO slot - ie, one packet - each TxOP.
>> This shows up when doing TDMA because, unfortunately, the TDMA TX uses
>> the TxOP window to control how long each TDMA burst is. So if you only fill
>> in a couple of frames per FIFO slot, it will only transmit a couple frames
>> per TXOP window. I did some hackery in if_ath_tx_edma.c to try and build up
>> larger lists of frames to send to the hardware and it proved that i can hit
>> the theoretical max. But it's not optimal, because say you only send 3/4 of
>> your frame list in a single FIFO slot. Well, the next TXOP it'll only send
>> the last 1/4 and then stop until the next TXOP when it'll grab the next
>> FIFO slot. So, the "right" behaviour would be to push roughly a TXOP worth
>> of frames into a FIFO slot and hope that you're mostly hitting the
>> theoretical maximum.
>> I never got around to implementing AMPDU on it because, well, I got busy
>> with life. AMPDU is a bit of a pain because we'd have to implement delayed
>> block-ack in net80211 and .. again, I never got around to it. It's not
>> impossible, but someone's gonna have to do it. (ie, you'd send A-MPDU
>> bursts during your TxOP and then there would be either a delayed block-ack
>> response in the next burst from the receiver, or it would use its beacon
>> interval to piggyback the delayed block ack on.)
>> I hope that helps!
>> -adrian
>> On Thu, 25 Apr 2019 at 04:20, Stephen Patrick <step...@cablefree.net>
>> wrote:
>>> Hello Adrian!
>>> Yes, we're certainly very interested.
>>> Ideally, looking for a developer who could assist in making this real &
>>> working.
>>> Look forward to hearing more,
>>> Best regards
>>> Stephen
>>> On Sat, 13 Apr 2019 at 19:46, Adrian Chadd <adrian.ch...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> There's some work done on the ath(4) hardware for 11a parts done by Sam
>>>> Leffler. I fixed it for 11n parts. It's in FreeBSD-HEAD.
>>>> I figured out how to get it mostly working on the AR93xx/AR94xx parts
>>>> too but it turns out there are some significant hardware changes in how the
>>>> MAC schedules packets that a whole lot of work needs to be done to get
>>>> effective TDMA on those parts.
>>>> If you're interested in it I can brain dump where I was at with it!
>>>> -adrian
>>>> On Fri, 12 Apr 2019 at 01:51, Stephen Patrick <step...@cablefree.net>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Thanks Adrian,
>>>>> We are interested in "long range outdoor" (10-20km) with high gain
>>>>> antennas.
>>>>> Do you know "Mikrotik Nstreme/NV2" and "Ubiquity Airmax" ?
>>>>> Those have framing/polling done in software - wrapped around the
>>>>> wireless driver.
>>>>> Is there equivalent developed in FreeBSD?
>>>>> Best regards
>>>>> Stephen
>>>>> On Thu, 11 Apr 2019 at 20:52, Adrian Chadd <adrian.ch...@gmail.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> hi!
>>>>>> I know that a lot of the 11ac chips do TDMA but the vendors keep the
>>>>>> implementation and knobs close to their chest. We don't have any public
>>>>>> APIs for it. Sorry :(
>>>>>> -a
>>>>>> On Thu, 11 Apr 2019 at 10:23, Stephen Patrick <step...@cablefree.net>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Dear sirs,
>>>>>>> Is this feature working for point-to-point, and point-to-multipoint
>>>>>>> long
>>>>>>> range links?
>>>>>>> 802.11ac chipsets/modes supported?
>>>>>>> Best regards
>>>>>>> Stephen
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> *Stephen Patrick*
>>>>>>> *Director*
>>>>>>> Wireless Excellence Limited
>>>>>>> The Oxford Science Park
>>>>>>> G6, Magdalen Centre, Robert Robinson Avenue
>>>>>>> Oxford OX4 4GA -  United Kingdom
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>>>>> *Stephen Patrick*
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>>>>> Wireless Excellence Limited
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>>> --
>>> *Stephen Patrick*
>>> *Director*
>>> <http://www.cablefree.net/>
>>> Wireless Excellence Limited
>>> The Oxford Science Park
>>> G6, Magdalen Centre, Robert Robinson Avenue
>>> Oxford OX4 4GA -  United Kingdom
>>> Tel:       +44 (0) 870 4959169     Mob: +44 (0)7802 425581
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> --
> *Stephen Patrick*
> *Director*
> <http://www.cablefree.net/>
> Wireless Excellence Limited
> The Oxford Science Park
> G6, Magdalen Centre, Robert Robinson Avenue
> Oxford OX4 4GA -  United Kingdom
> Tel:       +44 (0) 870 4959169     Mob: +44 (0)7802 425581
> Email:   step...@cablefree.net  Skype:  stephenjpatrick       Google:
> cablefree.stephen
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