--- Comment #5 from --- I could not repeat the issue after disabling hwcrypto. % % grep rtwn /boot/loader.conf if_rtwn_usb_load="YES" dev.rtwn.0.hwcrypto=0 % % sysctl dev.rtwn.0 dev.rtwn.0.rx_buf_size: 24 dev.rtwn.0.ratectl_selected: 1 dev.rtwn.0.ratectl: 1 dev.rtwn.0.hwcrypto: 0 dev.rtwn.0.debug: 0 dev.rtwn.0.ht40: 0 dev.rtwn.0.%parent: uhub2 dev.rtwn.0.%pnpinfo: vendor=0x7392 product=0xa822 devclass=0x00 devsubclass=0x00 devproto=0x00 sernum="123456" release=0x0000 mode=host intclass=0xff intsubclass=0xff intprotocol=0xff dev.rtwn.0.%location: bus=4 hubaddr=1 port=2 devaddr=2 interface=0 ugen=ugen4.2 dev.rtwn.0.%driver: rtwn dev.rtwn.0.%desc: Realtek Edimax AC1200 USB, class 0/0, rev 2.00/0.00, addr 2 % % rsync -6avz --progress --delete /usr/home/streams matt@remotehost:/media/usb/localhost/ -- You are receiving this mail because: You are the assignee for the bug. _______________________________________________ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to ""