And the solution. The short www-page is loaded from 4G FreeBSD server in 
(latency is missing here):

Europe:        153 ms
USA:           406 ms
Asia/Pacific:  757 ms


# Adding the needed packages:
[root]# pkg install miniupnpc

# Switching the E3372 to to cdce
[root]# /usr/local/sbin/usb_modeswitch --default-vendor 0x12d1 
--default-product 0x1f01 -J

# Adding ip-address and default route
[root]# dhclient ue0             # First time with dhclient
[root]# ifconfig ue0 <the previous ip> ...    # Next time with static IP 
[root]# /sbin/route add default <the gateway address>

# Adding a NAT -address to the Huawei E3372:
[root]# upnpc -t 10 -m ue0 -a <server ip> 80 80 tcp
[root]# upnpc -t 10 -m ue0 -a <server ip> 443 443 tcp

# Listing the NAT -addresses
[root]# upnpc -t 10 -m ue0 -l

# And the ISP may have different APN for the static IP service. Configured from:
# URL: http://<modem ip>

uPnP does the trick. Firewall has to have 1900/udp open including multicast IP 
from the server to the modem.

wkr, Jouni

> On Tuesday, April 19, 2016 11:48 AM, Jouni Laakso wrote:
>> On Monday, April 18, 2016 12:42 AM, Jouni Laakso wrote: <ue0> <--- cdce/usb ---> <modem if> <--- ISP 4G ---> 
<public IP> 

>> On Sunday, April 17, 2016 9:56 PM, Adrian Chadd 
>>> On 16 April 2016 at 13:44, Jouni Laakso via freebsd-wireless 
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